Tuesday, 10 March 2009

I will get it done today!

Dont you all know the feeling of getting invaded
by numerous little (and big) things that demand your full attention
and when not done they sit there and ruminate....

It is said that our accomplished tasks arrange themselves
in a drawer of our memory which permits us to calmly move on to other challenges, BUT that certain unacomplished and non finished tasks can haunt us, for better or worse, (it's called "Zeigarnik effect") for the rest of our entire life....help!!


Ragnhild Gjerstad said...

Det er så storartet når du er nær en datamaskin - selv med innlegg fra mars. Må sjekke oftere! Visste ikke at dette fenomenet hadde et navn. Nå føler jeg meg mye mindre alene. TAKK

Pia Appelquist said...

Hejsa, var du lige innenom?! Jeg besögte din side igaar og gik faktisk igennem dine gamle sider, bare for at föle mig i godt selskab og blive herligt inspireret og instrureret, du kloge vaagne dame Mil!