Dear scandinavian friends and relatives,
Are you celebrating this longest day of the year?
Are you burning witches and old boats
in big bonfires on the beaches?
Are you enjoying this pagan feast with
drinking, dancing and singing under the midnight sun?
I miss you all....
and I miss the blackbird's early morning song...
From my exile I'll listen to Him - isn't he great ?!
Are you celebrating this longest day of the year?
Are you burning witches and old boats
in big bonfires on the beaches?
Are you enjoying this pagan feast with
drinking, dancing and singing under the midnight sun?
I miss you all....
and I miss the blackbird's early morning song...
From my exile I'll listen to Him - isn't he great ?!
Min kjære ulykkelige utlendige danske
som lengter til den blonde skandinaviske sommer! Jeg brenner ikke hekser og halve båter, solen har jo allerede snudd, det går mot vinter, er det ikke en anelse vemod i luften? Men jeg skal nok tenne en ørliten ild med gode ønsker om bedre tider og med ildvarme tanker til dere som jeg savner og som er langt borte!
Tak for det.
Ja, er det ikke utroligt at vi atter gaar mod jul?!!
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