Friday, 21 November 2008

Ygdrasil and clever birds

Ygdrasil the tree of life in nordic mythology or Axis Mundi, and the begining of the world. More to come... but while researching I also study Odin with his two birds Hugin (Thought) and Munin (Memory).
...At sunrise Odin sends them off to fly throughout the whole world. They come back at mealtime, sits on Odin’s shoulders, and tell him all the news they
saw or heard...

Odin so gathers knowledge, and just to remind you that Ravens
and their brothers Crows, are actually, also in non-mythological time, very intelligent birds: Here a funny scientific experiment

Til Rag-Mil, med tak for dit inspirerende naervaerd!
PS. Efter at have modtaget en chokerende nyhed
plejede min mormor at sige:
"Vel, man skal sandelig höre meget för örene falder af!"

Morning dew

Hello Cruel World
In need of tunes for these early,
cold, dark winther mornings?

I should really be working Hell I'd go
concentrated with papers, words,
to please the french bureaucracy...
and not listening to
La vie en rose

A bit Tom Waits about her, right?

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Woman warrior

With ten arms,
intelligence, love and humour
we shall join warrior Durga

And why,
in fierce compassion,
out of all decent causes to join,
is it so fundamentally important
to resist and "fight" violence (in all it's aspects)...

Eve Ensler (the fantastic storyteller who wrote the vagina monoloques)
talks about 'security' creating 'insecurity'.
Listen and watch her voice of Gaïa...

Friday, 14 November 2008

Shining Eyes

Watch charismatic Benjamin Zander
when he
plays with passion and proposes
a great barometer for the definition of
succes :

Click HERE

Grazie amore cannella ...