"Boui-Boui" er gammel fransk jargon for "uordentlig levned, forförelse, stedet for overordentlig nydelse af mad og drikke" eller "et sted som aerlige og ordentlige folk bör holde sig vaek fra" eller "underground theatre / four penny opera" eller " stedet for gaes og aender" ..... Velkommen til min kaglegaard!
Monday, 11 February 2013
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Friday, 6 April 2012
From Mattis' and Nikos' archives...
Es una historía de un bandito qe viva en francia y una chica qe se robado un diamente y el ladrón fue detenido por la policía. La película está dirigida por Nikos Appelquist Dalton.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Friday, 4 March 2011
Thursday, 10 September 2009
The Power of Play!

.... generates optimism, seeks out novelty, makes perseverance fun, leads to mastery, gives the immune system a bounce, fosters empathy and promotes a sense of belonging and community... (says scientist!) and a life or a culture devoid of or deficient in play exists as a heightened major public health risk factor ...
The National Institute for Play
isn't he great?
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Friday, 12 June 2009
I keep meeting people who tell me stories about BEES...

For example: how their dance according to the sun, or the number of beating with their wings in a second (up to 240!) tell other bees where to find productive plants.... Or that bees once upon a time were wasps!.....and how their society is efficient and economic and unbelievable complex... and of course how our planet cannot survive without them!
Monday, 8 June 2009
Re-wiring the brain

As I said below, age is not an obstacle to learning. The adult brain retains impressive powers of 'neuroplasticity' - the ability to change it's structure and function in response to new experience!
In neuroscience, research has now overthrown the prevailing dogma that adult human brain is immutable. It is proved that mental training has the power to change it's physical structure, and that emotions, moods and states of mind are trainable skills. Yes, the ability of mere thoughts can alter the physical structure and function of our brain, with the help of 'self-directed neuroplasticity'. Interesting, no?
A Nonne "Tale"......

I haven't been very present on this page for a while, so perhaps about time to post a few lines...
Let me tell you how it is to work with "old sisters"... I was recently asked to do some Feldenkrais in an old peoples home for retreated nonnes! Some of them are 100 years old, but that is absolutely no obstacle to keep learning - and laughing !!
To help them feel their pelvis and spine (necessary for bending down or reaching up, of course...) I suggested that they imagined having a tale attached to their talebone, - a tale that could move up or downwards - like a dog when happy or sad.
THAT was VERY funny for them to imagine, some of them (especially Jeanne who is 101!) giggled so much that we almost couldn't finish the session...hahaha.... that's what nonne-humour is about.... They are wonderful!
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
I will get it done today!
Dont you all know the feeling of getting invaded
by numerous little (and big) things that demand your full attention
and when not done they sit there and ruminate....
It is said that our accomplished tasks arrange themselves
in a drawer of our memory which permits us to calmly move on to other challenges, BUT that certain unacomplished and non finished tasks can haunt us, for better or worse, (it's called "Zeigarnik effect") for the rest of our entire!!
by numerous little (and big) things that demand your full attention
and when not done they sit there and ruminate....

in a drawer of our memory which permits us to calmly move on to other challenges, BUT that certain unacomplished and non finished tasks can haunt us, for better or worse, (it's called "Zeigarnik effect") for the rest of our entire!!
Monday, 9 March 2009
Waves of the Ocean

One deep eternal ocean
One life one consciousness
We are individual waves of this ocean
The wave is already the ocean
it dwells in the ocean
the ocean dwells in the wave
...And how strange it is to learn that
a wave has decided to devote it's life
through perceverance, efforts and struggle reach the ocean.....! "
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Happy New Year
I wish you all peace, serenity and lots of creatvity for 2009.
May our projects and ambitions be gratified with
passion, love and vision, and then
Hit the road Jack !!

Let's get our swimming gear together and go for it!
Thats what they did in this funny and exotic adventure
from Hannover to Africa on new years day.
May our projects and ambitions be gratified with
passion, love and vision, and then
Hit the road Jack !!

Let's get our swimming gear together and go for it!
Thats what they did in this funny and exotic adventure
from Hannover to Africa on new years day.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Nordic winther tales

"Il fait nuit à présent. la vielle ferme dort, et tous les gens qui l'habite.
Au milieu de la forêt elle se trouve.
Il y a longtemps, bien longtemps, un homme vient dans cette forêt.
Il commença à cultiver la terre, coupa des arbres et bâtit une maison.
Cela fait si longtemps que personne se souvient de son nom à présent...
Comme cette nuit est silencieuse.
Comme cette nuit et lumineuse.
Les étoiles scintillent dans le ciel, et la neige illumine tout, blanc.
Et comme le froid est piquant!
Ici se trouve une vielle ferme où tout le monde dort.
Tous sauf un......."
Au milieu de la forêt elle se trouve.
Il y a longtemps, bien longtemps, un homme vient dans cette forêt.
Il commença à cultiver la terre, coupa des arbres et bâtit une maison.
Cela fait si longtemps que personne se souvient de son nom à présent...
Comme cette nuit est silencieuse.
Comme cette nuit et lumineuse.
Les étoiles scintillent dans le ciel, et la neige illumine tout, blanc.
Et comme le froid est piquant!
Ici se trouve une vielle ferme où tout le monde dort.
Tous sauf un......."
Teksten er delvis min, delvis en oversaettelse til fransk af Astrid Lindgrens "Nissen og Raeven" - det franske publikum elsker den....

Today was the last show of this years scandinavian
winther-tales in the Cantal,
....and all the spicy biscuits are gone....
I was crazy enough to make them myself (800!!)

Soon heading north.....
Friday, 21 November 2008
Ygdrasil and clever birds

...At sunrise Odin sends them off to fly throughout the whole world. They come back at mealtime, sits on Odin’s shoulders, and tell him all the news they
saw or heard...
saw or heard...
Odin so gathers knowledge, and just to remind you that Ravens
and their brothers Crows, are actually, also in non-mythological time, very intelligent birds: Here a funny scientific experiment
and their brothers Crows, are actually, also in non-mythological time, very intelligent birds: Here a funny scientific experiment
Til Rag-Mil, med tak for dit inspirerende naervaerd!
PS. Efter at have modtaget en chokerende nyhed
plejede min mormor at sige:
"Vel, man skal sandelig höre meget för örene falder af!"
PS. Efter at have modtaget en chokerende nyhed
plejede min mormor at sige:
"Vel, man skal sandelig höre meget för örene falder af!"

Morning dew
Hello Cruel World
In need of tunes for these early,
cold, dark winther mornings?
I should really be working Hell I'd go ,
concentrated with papers, words,
figures to please the french bureaucracy...
and not listening to La vie en rose
In need of tunes for these early,
cold, dark winther mornings?
I should really be working Hell I'd go ,
concentrated with papers, words,
figures to please the french bureaucracy...
and not listening to La vie en rose
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Woman warrior
With ten arms,
intelligence, love and humour
we shall join warrior Durga
And why,
in fierce compassion,
out of all decent causes to join,
is it so fundamentally important
to resist and "fight" violence (in all it's aspects)...
Eve Ensler (the fantastic storyteller who wrote the vagina monoloques)
talks about 'security' creating 'insecurity'.
Listen and watch her voice of Gaïa...
Friday, 14 November 2008
Shining Eyes
Watch charismatic Benjamin Zander
when he plays with passion and proposes
a great barometer for the definition of succes :
Grazie amore cannella ...
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Diogenes, the cynical philosopher !
Just came across Diogenes of Sinope
Do you remember him?
The rebelious and cynical philosopher,
who lived in a barrel...
carrying a lighted lamp...
'What on earth are you doing, Diogenes ??'
'I'm looking for a man!
'What on earth are you doing, Diogenes ??'
'I'm looking for a man!
An Honest Man, - The Unknown One!'
And it is also said that:
Once upon a time a wealthy Athenian invited him to visit
his new and very sumptuous house.
Since Diogenes didn't stop making sounds
as if he was about to clean his throat,
the elegant man asked him to please not spit
in his clean and spotless home.
Diogenes, then, spit him right in his face.
And it is also said that:

Once upon a time a wealthy Athenian invited him to visit
his new and very sumptuous house.
Since Diogenes didn't stop making sounds
as if he was about to clean his throat,
the elegant man asked him to please not spit
in his clean and spotless home.
Diogenes, then, spit him right in his face.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Johanne sov stille ind
"Jamen, Pia, vi kan jo ikke blive her"
sagde hun sidste gang jeg saa hende.
"Her ville jo komme til at se forfaerdelig ud hvis vi andre blev"
"Der er jo nye der skal til, - vi maa lade pladsen til de nye....."
Og det er saa hvad min elskede mormor gjorde igaar aftes.

Hun blev 90 aar.
Da hun var 82 cyklede hun stadig mange kilometer,
i modvind, i det sönderjyske landskab,
og indtil hun mistede det gode syn i fjord
strikkede og haeklede hun i metervis ...
Jeg er en af hendes piger, og hun efterlader et oprigtigt savn.
Foto fra 11.august 2008
Da hun var 82 cyklede hun stadig mange kilometer,
i modvind, i det sönderjyske landskab,
og indtil hun mistede det gode syn i fjord
strikkede og haeklede hun i metervis ...
Jeg er en af hendes piger, og hun efterlader et oprigtigt savn.
Foto fra 11.august 2008
Monday, 15 September 2008
Humbleness and beauty
Just wanted to share this beauty of Hokusai with you...
Aergeligt at du holder pause Mille,
haaber du kommer tilbage af og til
for du har altid saa meget spaendene i posen....
Aergeligt at du holder pause Mille,
haaber du kommer tilbage af og til
for du har altid saa meget spaendene i posen....
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Sankt Hans - Solstice

Dear scandinavian friends and relatives,
Are you celebrating this longest day of the year?
Are you burning witches and old boats
in big bonfires on the beaches?
Are you enjoying this pagan feast with
drinking, dancing and singing under the midnight sun?
I miss you all....
and I miss the blackbird's early morning song...
From my exile I'll listen to Him - isn't he great ?!
Are you celebrating this longest day of the year?
Are you burning witches and old boats
in big bonfires on the beaches?
Are you enjoying this pagan feast with
drinking, dancing and singing under the midnight sun?
I miss you all....
and I miss the blackbird's early morning song...
From my exile I'll listen to Him - isn't he great ?!
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
of women in art

and in case you are confused with publicity and women-magasin propaganda
remember the known Audrey Hepburn tips:
For attractive lips:
- speak words of kindness
For lovely eyes:
- seek out the good in people
For a slim figure:
- share your food with the hungry
For beautiful hair:
- let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day
For poise:
- walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone...
(The painting above is by Emil Nolde)
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
My son showed me this link today
and said "I'm a dreamer" ...:
Tak Mattis
you are not the only one...
Monday, 31 March 2008
Dance of Life
While working on "Le Pays qui n'est pas"......
(I faar en dansk oversaettelse snarest)
Painting of E.Munch

Le bonheur ne chante pas, ne pense pas, ne fait rien
Le bonheur se glisse dans la broussaille endormie
avec le souffle du matin
L'espace infini de la mer ou dardent les rayons du soleil,
Le bonheur est impuissant, il dort, il respire, il ne sait rien.
Connais-tu la douleur?
elle est grande, elle est forte,
elle serre en cachette les poings.
Connais-tu la douleurs?
elle sourit et, les yeux rougis de larmes, elle espère -
elle nous pousse, encore hésitant, par la porte.
La douleur règne sur tout, elle lisse le front du penseur,
elle attache le collier offert à la femme que tu désires,
elle attend devant la porte quand l'amant quitte sa maîtresse.
Que donne-t-elle de plus à ceux qu'elle chérit?
Je n'en sais rien.
Elle donne des perles et des fleurs, des chants et des rêves,
elle donne l'unique baiser vrai
elle nous offre tous les gros lots de la vie:
L'amour, la solitude et la face de la mort.
Edith Södergran
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Monday, 3 March 2008
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Under the wings of the eagles
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Hvem gemmer sig under den forgyldte urtepotte?
Naar man rejser fra landet til byen
taenker man ofte "her er vi saa kommet til en anden planet"
Hurra for andre planeter !

Foran det kunstneriske Mekka Pompidou i Paris
staar en söjle med guld paa sin top
Men hvem er det der sidder ved kunst-soklens fod?
Saturday, 9 February 2008
The Woman and the Lion roar
Thursday, 7 February 2008
From my windows-ill...
Les voisins
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Speak later
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Et Aeg i min hule haand

Monday, 21 January 2008
What's it all about?

I'll try to answer the question below with the following:
Should you take a shower everyday? And get up early or late? Put on make-up that only the tulips will see? Eat healthy food ? Decorate your house with flowers? and yourself with silk-shawls and painted foot-nails that nobody will notice?
My answer is YES to everything. Just do it.
It's like with Art, - don't ask what it is good for, what it serves.
At least you wont get any answer.
The point of all this is probably that your existence shall serve as a reminder of the inherent wonder of life and to try to rise to its challenge.
Suzanne Brögger bor paa landet i Danmark og svarer paa mit spörgsmaal ved at skrive: Skal man gaa i bad hver dag? Skal man staa op om morgenen eller ud paa eftermiddagen? Skal man sminke sine öjne for paaskeliljerne? Skal man spise rigtig mad hver dag? Skal man pynte sit hus med blomster ? Og sig selv med silkesjaler og neglelak paa taeerne, som ingen ser? Mit svar er ja til det hele. man skal bare göre det. Det er ligesom med kunst. Man kan ikke spörge, hvad det skal göre godt for. Man faar ihvertfald ikke noget svar. Sagen er vel, at man med sit liv bare skal göre sig umage med at minde om livets vidunderlighed og pröve at svare til den...
How much to do?

When you live in an isolated rural mountain area in the center of France, where cows and farmers are many amongst the spectators to your un-traditional way of living, - then a question keeps coming back : how much do you have to do to keep yourself alive?
Naar man bor langt ude paa landet i et tilbagetrukket fransk bjergomraade, hvor bönder og köer er mange blandt tilskuerene til ens utraditionnelle adfaerd (og her tilföjes at Cantal er et omraade hvor der ved optaelling rent faktisk bor flere köer end mennesker...), - ja saa aktualiseres spörgsmaalet: Hvor meget skal man göre for at holde sig i live ?
Friday, 18 January 2008
Chroniques de la France profonde
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